Fairy Cakes To Appease The Pixies

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Mmmmm, chocolate fairy cake with vanilla cream... Have to get todays in early so I can do tomorrows before I go to bed. I won't have time otherwise as I will be away then until Monday night. Oh, and in case your wondering about the title, I found a string of Xmas lights this morning which I had forgotten to take down D:


Karen said...

Great macro, I've never heard of a fairy cake, I assume it is a British thing?

Edward said...

yummmmm. Looks pretty good, although I think spice cake or white cake and chocolate icing would be more to my tastes.

kaye said...

Looks delicious! I just finished eating one of my attemps at a Recipe shot, and that "Fairy cake" would be the perfect dessert!

Linda said...

look great - not tempting me though...I feel too fat lately

MattO said...

Wow those would certainly make me forget about a string of lights. I wonder if I can get the recipe, they look good.

mk said...

Your "product" shots are so well lit. You'll have to give me lessons.

Elizabeth Abbott said...

Mmmmmm.........I want to eat one now!! This shot looks great! It's hard to make food look appealing, but you've certainly done it here!