Experimental Me
Friday, January 05, 2007
Experimenting with overlays in PSEdited to add: I used a photo of some old messed up paintwork and pasted it into a layer over the self portrait, then I set the layer to overlay and fiddled with the opacity until I was happy with how it looked. Finally I desaturated the whole picture a bit, I just thought it looked better. This is the overlay I used.
Quite scary effect. The guy looks like the radiation victim. I believe you have a lot of fun with it.
I like this experiment, and someday hope to find some time to try something similar myself. Left wondering if it might be more effective if you erased the layer effect on everything but the skin. Just a thought.
I like the effect. Curious to know how it was done. I also like the lighting in this photo - sweet and simple. Looks good.
I liike this one a lot - what did you do ?